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Working from Home

One of the most common concerns for many managers is – can I trust my employees to be productive when working from home? And relatedly, “how do I know they are getting their work done”? And yet, one of the most important things to people these days is the ability to be flexible in their work. So here’s how you can help people be the most productive regardless of their location:1. Communicate, communicate, communicateCommunication is by far the most important component of making remote wo...

May 4, 2024

Look after your applicants and you'll look after business

We know that it might be tempting to put off hiring because you are hearing that good people are getting harder and harder to find. An interesting survey shared with us by Seek, shows the common frustrations by applicants. This backs up a lot of the thinking that went into the design of our TwoTicks Pro Package; we help minimise the top 5. Not hearing back - we respond to everyone who applies to your role. We want to make sure your brand (and ours) reputation is upheld.Inaccurate informatio...

May 4, 2024

How to Hire an Employee

A solid team is at the heart of any successful business - the challenge is in finding and then knowing how to hire employees to make your team the best it can be. ...

May 4, 2024

How To Write a Job Description

To hire the right talent, you need to attract the right people.If you’re looking for better and more efficient ways to hire in today’s job market, it’s important that you first know how to write an excellent job description.The job description defines the role and is your first chance to set the foundations for the overall hiring campaign. Hiring is a two-way street - you must clearly communicate what the role offers and who you want to fill it.The key is to provide clarity on the job’s ...

May 4, 2024

Why It's Important To Hire Well

Nothing creates a better foundation for the future of your business than hiring the right employee.Bringing the right people on board ensures they will grow with you, contribute to your company's overall success and create opportunities for internal promotions - saving you from undergoing the hiring process again. A poor performer will have a negative influence on their fellow employees, affecting company culture, sales, and quality of work. Hiring the right employee prevents unnecessary an...

May 4, 2024

How to Conduct an Interview - The Ultimate Guide

Hiring the proper personnel is crucial to a company's success. A well-planned and effective interview lets you evaluate a candidate’s abilities and knowledge to successfully do the job and whether their attitude and values will fit in with the company. The main goal is to gain accurate information to assess a candidate, both against the job criteria and other candidates for the position. Follow our interview guide below for advice to help you achieve this goal....

May 3, 2024 Posts 1-6 of 6 | Page

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